
Announcing the SIG Coding Challenge

Hi all! I am excited to announce that HackBU is partnering with Susquehanna International Group and Binghamton ACM to host a coding competition with free food and cash prizes. This exciting event will be taking place this in Room 155 of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center.

About the competition

Cracking the Code with SIG gives you the opportunity to gain insight into the technical interview process. During the event, you’ll be tasked with solving an algorithmic puzzle. SIG developers will break down the problem and walk through the optimal solution LIVE. During this debrief, you’ll explore how SIG’s team assesses code during the interview process, hear about tips for candidates, and ask any other burning questions you might have.

Dinner will be provided to all contestants, and top solutions will be awarded with CA$H prizes of up to $500 as well as guaranteed interviews with SIG!

The event will be at in Room 155 of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center. You can register right now at https://sigsurvey.typeform.com/to/Eonyrya9. Registrations will be accepted until the day-of, but we appreciate being earlier sign-ups to help us accurately estimate food needs.

About SIG

SIG is a global quantitative trading firm founded by a group of friends who share a passion for game theory and probabilistic thinking. We have incorporated this approach into our culture, where you will find relentless problem solvers within each of our core disciplines: Trading, Technology, and Quantitative Research. From offices around the world, our employees collaborate to make optimal decisions and are driven by the desire to achieve winning results together.

Q & A

The registration is asking me for a resume; what if I don’t have one ready?

Don’t fret! Our friends over at Binghamton ACM are having a Resume Workshop on in Classroom Wing 202.

We also have a resume channel in our Discord server that you can get help from at any time.

You will be needing to make a resume at some point anyways—be it for CS101, CS301, or applying to internships—so it’s really helpful to get a start on it, even if it’s daunting :)

I’m not super confident in my technical interview skills; is this event for me?

Yes! This event is perfect for anyone looking to get their feet wet in thinking critically about interview questions. All you need is to be comfortable with writing code in a language of your choice.

I have a class ending at 6:05; can I still come?

Sure! If you are just getting out of class, it’s fine if you arrive a little late.

Where is the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center?

The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center is on the edge of Hinman College, near the Lecture Hall and Bartle Library. We will have a sign outside of the entrance to use for the event.